The last few days of school have been so exciting! These past two days our faculty, students, and community members had the opportunity to work with members from Transcend where we had the chance to talk about ways we can help improve our school together!
It's a UME annual tradition for students in grade 5 to prepare the school garden beds for the next "crop" of 5th graders. This year's fifth graders are getting the soil ready for pumpkin seeds which next year's classes will harvest.
Mount Everett held its annual Middle School Dance following the 8th grade Recognition Night. Thank you to the Sophomore class for hosting such a fun evening and to the volunteer teacher chaperones.
Congratulations to Mount Everett 8th-grade students on their graduation from middle school! We are so proud of all of your hard work and accomplishments. We know that you will continue to do great things in high school and beyond.
Earlier in the year, Anatomy and Physiology students dissected owl pellets and analyzed the small mammal bones which they extracted.
Seventh-grade students tested their Roller Coaster Designs in Mrs. Von Ruden's class this morning. They explored Science concepts such as force and energy to create their models.
Exploratory Agriculture students gave the Mount Everett barn a much-needed coat of paint.
Congratulations to the fifth-grade students who had their Moving Up ceremony this afternoon. UME will miss you, but Mount Everett welcomes you!
As suggested at our last community session, we will be holding a question-and-answer session with members of the Regional School District Planning Board. The RSDPB and their Project Management team will be answering your questions about the financial impacts associated with the potential merger, as well as providing you with an overview of the educational aspects, and how the RSDPB arrived at the projected assessments. Please join us on Tuesday at 7PM!
Yesterday, Mrs. Michaud's Animal Science and Explorer Ag Science classes went to Tom Brazie's farm. He gave a tour and educated the students on sustainable farming. They helped him install fencing for the cows and move chicken tractors. The students all worked very hard and had some fun as well. We appreciate Tom taking the time to show us how his farm runs.
The Spanish class traveled to Albany and visited The New York State Museum, which is a research-backed institution in Albany, New York. It serves the lifelong educational needs of New Yorkers and visitors through its collections, exhibitions, scholarship, programs, media, and publications in science, history, anthropology, and art. The Museum explores and expresses New York State’s significant natural and cultural diversity, past and present.
Afterward, they had Lunch at Barcelona's restaurant and tried different types of tapas and paella. The World Languages department is always looking for new ways to have our students experience diverse cultures.
Elementary Field Day at UME
Issue 17 of Educating Our Eagles is available for viewing. This will be our final issue of the 2022-2023 school year.
Hands-on Math at UME!
Third graders show their understanding of place value relationships.
Place value increases ten times with each shift to the left.
Each place is ten times greater than the place to the right.
Cari from White Memorial Conservation Center visited NMC this week for a presentation called, “Wildlife Outside our Windows”. The presentation was all about what animals we might see in our backyards. Cari told facts about the animals and the children played a game of “Guess what animal this artifact comes from”. It was a very interactive and informative presentation. She brought three live animals: Rocky the Box Turtle, Jacob the Rat Snake, and Shakespeare the Barred Owl. All of the animals that they have at the center were brought there because they were injured and in need of rehabilitation and a new home. Thanks to the generous donation of the New Marlborough Cultural Council, we were able to have this program come to NMC.
With the extremely generous help of the Eagle’s Fund, the 7th-grade team is embarking on an exciting end-of-year field trip to Groton and Stonington, CT. Students are experiencing programs from Project Oceanology and the New England Science and Sailing Foundation.
Great job, 5th and 6th graders, at last night's band and chorus concert!
UME Kindergarteners planted Sunflowers, Morning Glories, and Nasturtiums.
As the class planted seeds, they made predictions and observations about how seeds grow over time.
The 6-8th grade band and choir students had their Spring concert last night. Great job to all of the musicians.
5th graders at UME had a tie-dye day to prepare for their upcoming Moving Up day!