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Positive Psychology Council-Mental Health Message
It's back to school, which means settling into the school year sleep schedule. This can be a hard transition from summer.
"Sleep hygiene" means having good habits for consistent sleep.
Keep these pointers in mind to have peaceful and relaxing nights:
-Turn off screen and devices an hour before bedtime
-Finish eating and drinking 2 hours before bedtime
-Have a nice, relaxing nighttime routine: maybe some gentle stretching, reading a book, a soothing bath, a pleasant scent such as lavender
-Put down any "worry thoughts" - let them slide off you, take a few "mindful" breaths
Try to build these habits in to sleep like a baby. You don't have to be 100%, but every little bit helps!
🍅 Our Spanish IV and AP classes had a hands-on learning experience today! They prepared Gazpacho, a traditional Andalusian dish, using fresh, local vegetables. The students helped with all seven ingredients and learned about the history and culture behind this delicious recipe.
Special guest reader Superintendent Regulbuto visited the South Egremont School House and read to Pre-K students this morning
Chicks visited a fourth-grade science class at UME yesterday
Students in Mrs. Sarnacki’s First Responder/C.S.I. class had a guest speaker from the MA Army National Guard today. Sgt Brian Bergeron talked about different types of First Responders and discussed the benefits and careers available in the MA Army National Guard.
Mount Everett students are learning piano in one of our many Arts electives!
To celebrate our elementary students’ amazing school spirit, especially during last week’s district t-shirt day, UME hosted a Baby Shark lunch concert and lip sync event!
Mr. Miller and Mr. Sullivan gave the 5th graders the exciting task of choosing the songs. After much deliberation, these three favorites emerged as the top picks.
Baby Shark
I will always love you
Party in the USA (Wrecking Ball but lyrics deemed not school-friendly)
Our students are building the future, one tensegrity structure at a time! 🤯 #STEM #Tensegrity #Engineering
In Mrs. Sue's PreK at NMC, the children are learning about the Life Cycle of a Butterfly. We had 3 monarch caterpillars turn into chrysalises, and we are waiting to see them become butterflies. The children have also enjoyed doing activities using The Hungry Caterpillar story.
Our Pre-K students had the best outdoor reading experience on Friday! 📚🌳 It was a whole school event filled with sunshine, stories, and smiles.
Check out this week's newsletter! https://secure.smore.com/n/72hkv8
Students from our LEAP program were excited today to wear the student-designed and student-printed 2025 school T-shirt!
Our students are looking sharp in their new school t-shirts, designed and printed by their own classmates! 👕✨ It's amazing to see how much school spirit they're showing.
Our UME athletes are having a blast learning new skills and staying active in PE class.
Mt. Everett showed their spirit in a tough match against Taconic yesterday. Be sure to come out to support our Eagle athletic teams!
Kindergarten is a time for self-expression! Our students are learning to share their interests and connect with their classmates.
Check out all of the great things happening in our schools in our weekly newsletter! https://secure.smore.com/n/v29yf
New sounds are filling the air! Our fifth-grade musicians are starting their band journey at SBRSD. We are excited to hear them learn their new instruments.
As Ms. English always says, "Squeaks happen!"
We are looking for host families for 4-6 students from Germany. The students are ages 16-18 and arrive here in 2-3 weeks. Contact Ms. Graham TODAY or tomorrow if you're interested in hosting: sgraham@sbrsd.org