2010 graduate, Justin Ward, describes his experience with Mount Everett's internship and vocational opportunities in this article highlighting his career. Way to go, Justin!

SRO Zucco and Sheffield First Responders conducted a Jaws of Life practice and demonstration on campus this morning.

Issue 16 of "Educating Our Eagles", SBRSD's Curriculum and Instruction newsletter is available for viewing:

Mrs. Von Ruden's 7th-grade science classes took samples from the Vernal Pool and analyzed them under stereo microscopes. They discovered various types of microorganisms such as rotifers, flatworms, water fleas, and copepods.

The junior class is happy to present Prom 2023! 🎆🥳🌌
Tickets are $70 and will be sold until May 5th. Purchase your tickets during advisory in Ms. Aldam’s room.

Thank you to our first responders for showcasing their vehicles in support of Autism Awareness Month yesterday.

Another Greek Week concludes! Seventh-grade students competed for their city-states in the spirit of Ancient Greece. Events included Discus-throwing, Debate, Olive Roll, Minotaur Relay, and Column-building, among others. Former Greek Week participants in 8th and 12th grade joined the seventh graders for the traditional Greek Zorba Dance.

Middle School students had the opportunity to "Meet Elizabeth Freeman" this morning in the fantastic production brought to us by the Sheffield Historical Society.

Students in the Sea & Air Robotics class took their knowledge of aviation gained from the classroom flight simulator to the Great Barrington Airport. Thank you Joe Solan and the GBR team for providing a wonderful ground school experience!

Thank you, National Honor Society students, for helping to keep Sheffield litter-free!

Please join us virtually or in person tomorrow at 5:30 PM while our School Committee Subcommittee reviews the feedback that was given at our Community Conversation meeting held on February 7th.

Quarter three eighth-grade Art students completed their Impressionism unit with acrylic paintings in the style.

Students in Mrs. Von Ruden's Anatomy and Physiology class dissected chicken wings last week to investigate the structure and function of the skeletal and muscular systems.

Today the elementary robotics club received a flying lesson from the middle school drone team. Lots of good pilots coming up!

Opening day for baseball and softball. Great job, Eagles! #rollbirds

Are you interested in learning more about Early College at Mount Everett? Check out this interview with WAMC, where our first students to take Early College classes at Mount Everett shared their personal experiences!

Mount Everett's Tennis team kicked off the season with a match at Lee.

Issue 15 of SBRSD's curriculum and instruction newsletter, "Educating Our Eagles" is available for viewing.
Follow the link:

Mount Everett's Social Justice League met with Senator Paul Mark, toured the State House, and collaborated with Mass Mentoring Partnership and other students during Youth Mentoring Day at the State House.