Mr. King (a.k.a. the Grinch, in spirit-week pajamas) has stolen all of the presents at UME. Elementary physical education students are there to save the day!

Last week, UME students were challenged to build snowmen in P.E. class

Mount Everett Spirit Week: Monday - pajama day, Tuesday - holiday spirit day, Wednesday - ugly sweater day, and Thursday - Blue & Gold day.

Due to the impending storm, all schools, district offices, and the SBCCP are closed for Friday, December 16th.

All after-school activities are cancelled today due to the impending storm. This includes all sporting events and the School Committee meeting. SBCCP will remain open until 5 pm.
The Mt. Everett Middle School concert for tonight will be held on Monday.

Students in Ms. Sarnacki's First Responder class practiced CPR.

Congratulations to Mt. Everett Varsity Wrestling for their win against Monument.

Photographs of last week's Senior Luncheon captured by student photographer, Caroline.

Seventh grade ELA students in Miss. Snyder's class acted out the trial and courtroom case from the graphic novel, "Monster", which involved students taking turns and reading their parts aloud.

Mount Everett students assisted in tree decorating at the Sheffield Historical Society.

Students and staff have been busy preparing for the annual Senior Citizen Luncheon! This year we are lucky to have a guest cook join us!

Pre-K and Kindergarten students created ornaments for the Historic Sheffield
Winter Wonderland Remembrance Tree.
Sponsored by:
The Sheffield Historical Society for The Southern Berkshire Regional Elementary schools, honoring our front-line workers, our educators, our farmers, & veterans.

Congratulations to Kindergarteners, Lily and Gregory, this month's Student Effort Award recipients!

In a unit about Earth's Natural Resources, students explored the importance of alternative energy sources. To demonstrate their knowledge, groups developed a design proposal to replace traditional energy production with a renewable source, like wind or solar, to power LED bulbs in an "everyday structure."
They then presented a design pitch, to their class to persuade their future clients to select renewable energy sources, over traditional fossil fuels. This pitch included a working model of their structure, demonstration of LED bulbs powered by renewable energy circuitry, and evidence of energy flow and storage information to support the use of their chosen alternative source.

Mount Everett's National Honor Society assisted the Sheffield Historical Society with their annual Winter Wonderland festivities

Mt. Everett students participated in Sheffield's 95th annual tree lighting over the weekend. Thank you to Margherita Lamanno for the photographs.

MT Everett XC wrapped the season with varsity letters and awards. Including Ben Vella and Kenzie Jo Lotz, outstanding runners and Sage Peppe, Kylie Jo Martin, and Tatum Oates most improved runners. Captains' awards went to Charles Vion and Maya Martin.

The Music Department is busy preparing for their upcoming concerts!
High School Band and Chorus Winter Concert
Tuesday December 13, 2022 at 7:00pm (6:30pm call time)
7th/8th Grade Band and Chorus Winter Concert
Thursday December 15, 2022 at 7:00pm (6:30pm call time)
5th Grade Band and Chorus Winter Concert
Tuesday December 20, 2022 at 6:30pm (6:10 call time)

Issue eleven of "Educating Our Eagles", SBRSD's Curriculum and Instruction Newsletter, is live!

Michael Devoti, Maggy Sarnacki, and Emma Goewey were chosen to represent Mount Everett at the Western Mass Coaches Association All Star soccer games!